The Fall of Diamond Dust
Solo show at Gallery Feldbusch Wiesner Rudolph, Berlin

The Fall of Diamond Dust, 2018. Acrylic, alucobond, spray paint, glitter. 0,80 x 5 m

The Fall of Diamond Dust, interior

Presence and Dust (white) and Diamond Dust (Black) 2019, Acrylic, alucobond, spray paint, glitter. 2 m x 1,25 m

The Fall of Diamond Dust, interior

Japan, 2019. Mirror alucobond, acrylic, glitter, spray paint.169 × 40 CM (240 × 140 CM)

Mountain Climbers 2017 Acrylic, mylar, mirror foil, mesh, paper, acrylic box, 147 x 109 x 10 cm

The Fall of Diamond Dust, interior